Iran has threatened the United States and world powers: US       

US security adviser Michael Flynn

US security adviser Michael Flynn


The United States has condemned Iran’s missile launch that Iran is risking conducted nuclear deal with world powers. According to foreign news agency said US National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was criticized Iran’s ballistic missile launch in a statement Iran has threatened allies of the United States and the region. We are currently under formal warning to Iran. It is not yet clear whether President Trump on the move Iran develop strategies from the senior government officials did not exclude the possibility of military action against Iran. Michael Flynn said the leader of Iran nuclear deal weak and ineffective because they are now daring to move. He said the Obama administration has failed to take measures on Iran’s intent, including the transfer of weapons, terrorism and other violations of international support and international regulations. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Trump said Iran condemns the actions of the administration, which may be from the Middle East and the threat to world peace, prosperity and the lives of Americans. Meanwhile, Iran has rejected the effect of violating the nuclear agreement.


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