Indian state of Odisha women’s vigilante group has been defending this Indian forest for 20 years

75 women group of Indian state Odisha has been protecting a forest containing 75 hectares last year

75 women group of Indian state Odisha has been protecting a forest containing 75 hectares last year

Odisha … News Time

In India, female women singing a jungle are overseen for 20 years to protect it. According to the International News Agency, 75 women group of Indian state Odisha has been protecting 75-hectare forest since last year. During this time, stiff-necked women suffered many Tumber Mafia’s dangerous workers, but could not force compelled women to retreat, the reason for women’s determination is also anxiety.

20 years ago in 1995, the storm that came to the state of Odisha, caused massive destruction which destroyed hundreds of houses, several hundred acres-based crop festivals and dozens of people have become fatal. The area’s contact with the area was disconnected and the residents had to spend without having to wear without clothing and food items for a long time. Fortunately, these songs called Gundalba were protected from natural disasters, local people assured that none of them survived innocence but it is the forest. And if the Messiah is cut off the jungle, then those singers will have to face the same disaster so since 1999, for the number of 75 women towers, the roders are on the safety of the forest.

Climate changes in the world are emerging as climate change, the unusual temperature and seasons of extraordinary turnout may be a sudden disaster and excessive rains after long drought, there is snowfall and heat wave in areas where there are no rain. One of the main reasons for this is the main reasons for cutting trees in the forest and building wooden buildings. These women are studying them, but they learned a lot from the season and were able to determine the exact cause of the storm in 1999. These women made their environment friendly and guestly enjoyed the seasons. Maintaining the environment and weather competence is the sole guarantee of human survival.


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