In Jordan, HazratLot, (A S) and his people claim to have discovered the ruins of the city

American experts in archeology team 10 years after the creation of the nation of Noah, Lot, and finding the ruins of their city claimed.

American experts in archeology team 10 years after the creation of the nation of Noah, Lot, and finding the ruins of their city claimed.

Oman … News Time

American researchers followed 10 years of research, HazratLot, (A S) and his people have claimed finding the ruins of the city. Lot of sexual desire for men to meet women instead of men was unnatural inclinations. The great Prophet of Allah, He told HazratLot, (A S) to his people: and warns of severe punishment from God but his people including his wife refused to accept them. HazratLot, (A S) in the Qur’an, Almighty Allah wrongs and the punishment he is about as detailed in the but it was not until today that the secret veil where was the city of Lot Popular Archaeologists but the US team of archaeologists has claimed after 10 years of hard work they have succeeded in reaching the city of Sodom. The ruins of the destroyed city show that it is a sprawling city which shows the presence of several ancient buildings. Tall el-Hammam in the ruins of the city of Jordan met on location. The head of the team that discovered the ruins says Dr. Steven Collins if that was the result of their investigation when they were surprised because the city life ended suddenly. He seems divided city of Sodom 2 parts.  An upper and a lower part. City around 10 meters high and 5.2 meters of mud brick wall was discovered is small. There are the remains of the city gates. It seems that the city was destroyed, when people engage in daily routines, but life was suddenly ended.


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