Face recognition technology plan to protect the White House

The US government has decided to start working on a new technology for the safety of White House

The US government has decided to start working on a new technology for the safety of White House

Washington … News Time

The US government has decided to start working on a new technology for the safety of White House which will help identify the face of any white person in the White House and on its sides. According to Al-Arabiya.net, a technology-based project monitored under the secret agency responsible for implementation of the US Security Code who will identify any strange person coming to White House and the House of Representatives.

This technology will help identify passengers with the help of photographs and videos from passengers, walking in parks and walking on the streets of the White House. This new technique of White House’s defense has been revealed by the American Federation of Civil Rights (ACLU). According to the report, the result of this technology, where a suspect will be identified on the other hand, and this move can also affect the personal rights of citizens.

The document issued by the US Interior Ministry said that secret services agency wants to use such modern technology to monitor the White House. Trial will first be seen whether or not this technology is identifying the faces of secret service employees. As an experience, recording of secret hidden cameras on two separate locations in the White House Auditorium, these will be identified by the pictures and videos of the passengers and other people.

It is not yet clear whether the system has been operational or not but its experimental process was started on November 19, and it will be an experimental period until 30 August 2019. On the other hand, a member of the political analyst and civil rights federation, Stanley said that the monitoring program produces many doubts and questions. Does this program bring any US presence inside or outside of the White House to a doubtful circle? Will it be doubled with the identification of the face of each walker? I think we should ask ourselves before any such move due to the expansion of such technology, incidents of rape violations will not increase. Will the identification system not interfere with the citizens’ privacy?


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