Discover first-ever liquid water lake on Mars

The Red Planet Mars found a lake filled with liquid water

The Red Planet Mars found a lake filled with liquid water

Washington … News Time

The Red Planet Mars has a lake filled with liquor water, which is located on the southern pole of the planet and it is about 20 kilometers away. Although before that water is found on Mars and their truth has not been proven but it is the first proof that there is a large amount of water available on Mars for a long time. Although the Mars surface is becoming a tallest cold, experts thought that water could be present in the form of ice. However, the radar mounted on the Mars Express orbiter of the European Space Agency (ESA) has identified the lake under the ice pole south pole.

Mars orbiter’s data are the main sciences of reading and researching Professor Roberto Orosei which are related to Italy’s National Center for Physics. The Orbiter special Mars radar has discovered it, but it is not a huge lake. Although Mars did not tell anything about the water level, the experts believe that the depth of water in the lake can be up to a meter. On the same hand, it is a lake not a melting point of ice.

The Mars Radar threw the rings on the plane and said that there is a snow and surrounding layer from the radius that returns to the surface. And there is liquid water below one and a half kilometers. According to experts, water is very important for life and in this sense it is a wonderful discovery. However, experts have said that despite this discovery, it is not possible to find any form of life there immediately. According to initial research, there may be many types of salts available in the lake of water and thus there is a problem of living there.


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