Dangerous Profession: 2,500 journalists killed in 25 years

 2,500 journalists killed in 25 years        

2,500 journalists killed in 25 years

Brussels … News Time

International journalism profession has become so dangerous during the last quarter world wars, revolutions, crimes and corruption in various countries in an effort to inform the journalists and media workers have been killed in 2500. Brussels, according to a report issued by the International Organization of Journalists (IFJ) said in a new report her. The organization in the last 25 years around the world during their duties at least 2297 journalists and media staff were killed. The IFJ report on killings of journalists at the international level data collection work began in 1990. The first year, the death toll was 40. But in cases of killings of journalists have come so fast that since 2010 the annual number ever being less than 100.


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