Compare … Pakistani democracy and dictatorship

Compare ... Pakistani democracy and dictatorship

Compare … Pakistani democracy and dictatorship

News Time

Overall there is no doubt that if there is a real practice in a country on democracy so she is like a shadow for the public and her branches are tied to the ground and rich are full of taste, but economically weaker countries where leadership of the world is based on knowledge, literature, philosophy, science and political principles. Every time there is a peak temperament and everybody is listening to the common people.

People who have the opportunity are leaving the country and going to the First World. In particular, talented, intelligent, high-educated and skilled men are rapidly leaving the country. Traveling to the US, Canada and other places continues. This is because the fall falls. Why should you go away from a view on Bangladesh which was considered to be the leader of the ruling class, especially the leaders of the burdens of western Pakistan, he was very happy to be punished, but it is very important that the leaders of Pakistan have done what has happened in the past 20 years so that it can be clarified that who are pushing the country into the financial action task force?

Who took great charge from the ex-prime minister after borrowing from noise and now he is away from the country. During this period, there was a slogan in the country that the country’s lord and mother, the jewelry which gave birth to jewelery and herd? A party in Pakistan did not all parties understand their debt and in the whole country, Leaders put a stroke of luxury cars. The culture of importing each item was made, while export is dead.

What will happen to the country in such a situation? Appendix If we are trapped in a blacklist, what will happen to LC (LC) credit. The dollar is flying on high altitude, now the market of the highest supermarkets is hot in the corner of the country. Every supermarket is working harder than noise where foreigners are also available from soap to soap. Then what about expensive goods? This obvious name is being done by just thinking about 15% of people targeting the target market if the cost of gas and gasoline is stopped, then the country can reduce debt by 20 percent and in present circumstances, restrictions can be reduced by 35 to 40% if restrictions are applied but policy makers in the interest of wealthy countries actually run by the country whereas 80-85% of the country’s population remain forever. So how can the policy change in the interest of the people of the country? Because assets of millions of rupees are getting dairy. These are Leaders and these are all Sadaq and Ameen.

In the last 15 years the economic situation has become more complicated. Leaders are running towards the winning party but leaders have exposed the front of the public, leaders are surrounded everywhere if this is the case, the rupee will be victimized against dollar and in public public interest. A rumor that is worth $ 130 or even expensive. Dollars buyers are engaged in purchase of a dollar dollar dollar and no law is applicable to them. Because wealthy countries know their defense, they do not give political asylum only rather, also protect corrupt poor people from the poor countries to promote economic prosperity in these countries, we understand that this is our way of affairs. Not only this, but in our country this is a foreign representative. Their wealth looks like that and the buyers of their products live in our own country.

It is not a long time when Pervez Musharraf took over the country and found stability in the capital. Because he was not a public representative every dollar was at $ 70-60, so the movement against dictatorship was launched and the NRO was developed in the United States and Britain and their favorite people became our rulers, Benazir Bhutto, who had some hands on the pulse of the public. A sudden dust was cast and it was not known whether it was accidental or foreign conspiracy? Or global fraud. The secret of this secret was not spoiled yet. Well who was behind the process, buried in the tomb of time.

Pervez Musharraf’s government was not public, but Musharraf on the one hand kept the economy strolling so on the other side Abdul Qadeer Khan did not give any reference to the country. Whatever objections were to be done, only in their own country, but their struggle was not addressed and not foreigners were given in prison or otherwise they would have had a worse life than Aafia Siddiqui.

Now, look at the economic point, so that if Pakistan passes through gray accessories, it is not a matter of distance. While now there are concerns about being blacklisted, after all this is being kept traditionally in the name of democracy. Finally, the country is a dictatorial democracy in which it is difficult to meet the National Assembly’s meeting year, three times a problem. These often do not come to the prime minister’s arrival, what democracy and decision-making people do or on an external power indicator. There was no such incident that even FATA’s Donda did not even go where the gasoline jumped and diesel. That’s why the influx of the influx has started. On this, the orders are for more debt. Now that gas has to be done for this process, so the basis of performance, the democratic governments are becoming very poor. Therefore, it does not mean that countries with particular economic status in the country are best for dictatorship. When it is democratic fraud in the name of democracy, this is the same while the dictator is less courageous and wants to showcase his performances. But after obtaining a certificate of democracy, they also get the opportunity to participate in the National Assembly. Unless Pakistan has a free development and poor government, it does not come the situation of the country will continue to be worse than evil. It is time that the people are getting awake and breaking their commitment from such a system. After this election, there is a fear that people will surround leaders in the elections of 2023 therefore; the coming government should get rid of the people, especially for electricity, water, housing and employment. For this, improvements in landing system, to avoid dams, if the government is not shy and shameless, the leaders will have to flee from the scene.


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