China banned iron, food imports from North Korea

China banned iron, food imports from North Korea

China banned iron, food imports from North Korea

Beijing … News Time

China prohibited import of iron, raw iron and seafood from North Korea after the new sanctions were imposed by the United Nations. China’s decision was announced after a day-long press release and tensions between the US and North Korean governments. The tension has caused global concern and concerns among the Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un Governments. Beijing accused China of imposing new sanctions completely after the US accused China of its neighboring country in its boundaries. Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement that Mangal will be banned from North Korea on import of iron, raw iron and seafood. China has also banned coal import from North Korea in February. The UN Security Council approved tough sanctions against Pyongyang August 6, Which will cost North Korea a yearly ban of $ 1 billion. The ban on North Korea was imposed in response to the 2-ambitious ballistic missile experiments last month, After which Kim Jong Un threatened that his country could now hit any part of the US however, after the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had been banned by the UN, his commitment was to ensure that his country would completely enforce new sanctions.


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