Call for EU veto as Germany eyes Italy’s participation in China’s giant “Silk Road” project

Call for EU veto as Germany eyes Italy's participation in China's giant "Silk Road" project

Call for EU veto as Germany eyes Italy’s participation in China’s giant “Silk Road” project

Berlin … News Time

Germany objected to the involvement of Italy at the Silk Road in China’s development project, demanding Vatican to stop any such EU project. According to the news agency AFP, EU budget commissioner Günther Oettinger said as long as Europe’s sovereignty and independence are not in danger, the expansion of the highway between Asia and Europe is a good thing. He said that it is concern that important projects such as energy, high-speed railway lines and ports in Italy, including Italy, are not in Europe but in China’s hands.

Commissioner Günther Oettinger said that European countries sometimes do not value national and European interests however, at the same time; the European Vito’s right is worth the commission. It is clear that last week a stringent statement was signed between the Beijing Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Rome on Beijing’s agreement. Heiko Maas said that the unity of European countries in China, Russia and the US can overcome the difficulties of the future. He emphasized that China is not a free democratic country, those who are trading with China today will be conscious when they are disadvantages. It is clear that in the 2-day visit to China’s President Xi Jinping, 29 agreement memorandums of value worth more than $ 5 billion were signed between the two countries. While Italy has become the first member of the G7 joining the Belt and Road project.

According to reports of Foreign News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Italy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte attended the signing ceremony of reconciliation memorandum, according to the Italian media, between 5 billion euros from US $ 7 billion (US $ 60 billion) to $ 8 billion ($ 8 billion) was signed. It is believed that after the agreement with Italy, China has got a symbolic success to spread Asia through its extensive project Belt and Road. American President Donald Trumpp wants to maintain pressure on China and other issues on China. Apart from the United States, European countries are not happy with the growing economic impact of China and they consider China as a threat to themselves in the economic field.


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