Brazilian villages where parents encourage smoking to children

The festival also celebrates the traditional enthusiasm in Vale de Salgueiro in the Portuguese songs

The festival also celebrates the traditional enthusiasm in Vale de Salgueiro in the Portuguese songs

Vale de Salgueiro, Portugal … News time

12 days after Christmas celebrates Christian Epiphany’s festival on January 6, while the festival is celebrated in the memory of Hazrat ISA (AS) it is also called the discovery of the 3 kings, because on that day three elders came to meet Hazrat Isa (AS). This festival is a common holiday in Christian countries and it is celebrated in various ways in various ways. In the Portuguese singles Vale de Salgueiro also festivals are celebrated with traditional enthusiasm. Sweet dishes are made on this occasion and Turbia songs are sown. In addition, there is also a strange ritual in the songs. On the occasion of Epiphany parents allow smoking of children, but they themselves cigarettes. Singers say that this tradition has been coming for centuries but nobody knows how it started. Is there an incident caused by this or that tradition has happened. In Portugal, children under 18 years of age are banned on sale of cigarettes but on January 6, in this sense, parents encourage their children to smoke.

It is clear that this formula is not found anywhere else. This ritual of smiling children has been criticized but local people defend it. Associated Press Representative found a 35-year-old coffee shop owned by Guilhermina Mateus, saying that this ritual is coming for centuries. And I do not even see any risk for children’s health because they do not really smoke. Just smoke while smuggling. Smoking is just two, up to three days. After the festival is over, they do not even touch cigarettes. The elders of the village are also pleased that their children and their children have survived their centuries old rituals. The 88-year-old Edwardo Augusto has two grandchildren. Talking to the local radio representative, he said that he used to smoke himself in his childhood, but it was fun only for two days. Then parents did not allow smoking for the whole year. Edwardo Augusto smokes but he insists that the ritual was not due to it. Edwardo Augusto does not remember how old this ritual was, but he even heard of his grandfather that he used to drink two tobacco and day tobacco in childhood. It is estimated that this ritual is quite old. A book has been published on Vale de Salgueiro. The author of the book is Jose Ribeirinha. They combine customs and their historical background in their songs. However, the background of this particular ritual could not be found. They say that songs are located in a region where ancient pagan and Roman festivals are still celebrated. Many festivals were used in those festivals, which were commonly used in ordinary days. Most likely to feed cigarettes to children, they were involved in their work, which was gradually formatted.


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