Blast outside a mosque after Friday prayers in Syria, 32 killed

Blast outside a mosque after Friday prayers in Syria, 32 killed

Blast outside a mosque after Friday prayers in Syria, 32 killed

Damascus — News Time

Syrian capital Damascus after Friday prayers in the blast killed 32 worshipers and injured several others. Reported yaduda village near Damascus after Friday prayers in the mosque that were out of the huge car bomb explosion, which as a result, 32 people were killed and several others injured. Explosion damaged nearby buildings, and several people were injured, who were taken to the hospital immediately. Another episode in the suburbs of Aleppo, al-Qaeda militants he shot and killed 13 people. Ceasefire in Syria, citing the ongoing negotiations in Geneva have not made ​​any progress. Russia said president Bashar al-Assad to meet the demands removal shall not allow will. Meanwhile, Russia and NATO Syria chemical weapons disposal mission of protecting U.S. warship has taken over.


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