An explosion at sun-surface, which was even more than one billion hydrogen bombs

Experts have described the origin of the sun-surface as an X class, which is very dangerous

Experts have described the origin of the sun-surface as an X class, which is very dangerous

New York … News Time

Astronomical experts warn about the magnetic storms rising from the surface of the sun which can destroy our land communication and energy systems. According to the Mail Online report, experts on this day, astronomers have made a video of the sun-surface explosion. Whose intensity was more than one billion hydrogen bombs. This blast shows a flame of fire from the sun surface to be high. Radio stations of the present countries were closed due to the explosion due to the magnetic rays coming from the sun. And most of the low-frequency communications have been suspended. This suspension continued for an hour. Space experts say that a powerful explosion occurred on the surface of the sun after 12 years, Earlier in 2006, it was a little less explosive. Experts have made this flame video with the help of the Swedish Solar Telecom. Dr. Chris Nelson of Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Center says we can see only 1 / 250th of the sun surface at a time through this telecom. So, at the time of the blast, it is fate to be on the right part of the land so that it can be seen completely. According to astrologists, the explosion of magnetic flames generated by this blast will enter the Earth’s Orbit. So our satellite, complete system of communication and power system can be destroyed and the whole world can not only connect with one another, but the world can sink in the dark. Experts have described the origin of the sun-surface as an X class, which is very dangerous. Its intensity is described as X9.3. Earlier in 2006, the flame of the flame was X9.0.


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