An estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, 20 years for deportation, the $ 600 billion needed

The US estimates that the number of illegal immigrants is estimated to exceed 11 million

The US estimates that the number of illegal immigrants is estimated to exceed 11 million


7 Muslim countries of the temporary travel restrictions on President executive order Donald Trump made it clear they intend to strictly implement the laws on immigration but it requires much more time and budget. According to the American estimate of the number of illegal immigrants who are estimated to exceed 11 million. Period of 20 years and costs will rise to $ 600 billion. During President Barack Obama have a record number of 25lakh people between 2009 and 2015. Mr. Trump to hire more police officers and 5 thousand to 10 thousand immigration border surveillance. Immigration officials say the number will increase to 20 thousand and 21 thousand force of border surveillance. The additional numbers will come from the fast measures against illegal immigrants. Hiding in towns and cities, the immigration officer will search for illegal immigrants; they would let him hide in places that provide jobs. Be traced to individuals whose asylum applications relating to or residence in the United States have been rejected. This will also work with surveillance information on those involved in the violation of traffic rules and petty crime.


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