A tribe, Girls is given cut razor blades on body

 Surma tribe living in the Omo valley this ritual is very popular, even girls 10 to 12 years are also happy to set up blade wounds on his body

Surma tribe living in the Omo valley this ritual is very popular, even girls 10 to 12 years are also happy to set up blade wounds on his body

Addis Baba … News Time

Be a slight wound on the body if the mind gets destroyedbut African country Ethiopia’s tribal people are strange here are the mothers ripped from place to place with their delicate blade body teen daughters. The remote tribes of Ethiopia, the report said it is terrible ritual practiced for centuries. Reporter also noted the story of a 10 year old girl whose mother had pulled her skin slashed the blade, and that the girl is not off yet. The purpose of this ceremony is to mark permanent wounds on the bodies of the girls, who live with them throughout life. Wounds in the body are considered a symbol of beauty and pride in their tribal culture. Surma tribe living in the Omo valley this ritual is very popular. The girls 10 to 12 years are also happy to set up the blade wound on his body. Photographer Eric Lafforgue makes some pictures of the ceremony for the first time and it rocked the funny scenes show improbable. Eric Lafforgue says he asked a little girl getting wounds on his body that did not hurt; the answer was an expression of pain if it were a matter of shame for his tribe. If a girl is not in their tribes wounds on the body is called ugly. The more wounds on the girl’s body are considered so beautiful. When are planted everywhere wound on the body of the blade so that is when I heal the ashes appear more prominent. Some people are even shovel again and his daughters wounds time to mark them appear more prominent.


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