2030 UK Top European economy will become

Leaving behind Britain, France and Germany in 2030 to become Europe's biggest economy

Leaving behind Britain, France and Germany in 2030 to become Europe’s biggest economy

London — News Time

Leaving behind Britain, France and Germany in 2030 to become Europe’s largest economy. , British research group Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) study released yesterday by the British economy in 2018 France will surpass the 2030 will be ahead of Germany, India and Brazil in the same period the British economy will leave behind. rapid increase in the population of the UK and other European economies due to less dependence on Germany 2030 will take away the honor of top Western European economy if the euro zone broke up, but then it will be much better luck out of Germany and definitely the UK for many years, if not forever Deutsche Mark (Germany’s old currency) will be running on ahead of Germany. Research group claims that the UK should withdraw from the European Union, its economy will grow faster. Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Mick Williams said Douglas Short period out of the European Union, but the negative impact will be positive decision in fifteen years.


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