Why Israel and Iran are happy to Erdogan’s success?

Now Erdogan will have a new power of executive president, as the Prime Minister's designation has ended in Turkey

Now Erdogan will have a new power of executive president, as the Prime Minister’s designation has ended in Turkey

News Time

Iran, Turkey and Israel are regional opponents of each other, and have been making a difference between them. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a leader of the leader of Turkey, has shown a diplomatic crisis and regional instability among the countries due to good behavior from the administration of Tehran and Jerusalem. Relationships of the two countries have not been good enough to Erdogan as well as Turkish administration. But now Erdogan will have a new power of executive president because the Prime Minister’s designation has been completed in Turkey. Both Israel and Iran can be pleased, while Erdogan is called the new Sultanhave they got a five-year term?

On April 1 this year President Erdogan called on Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently Erdogan called Israel a terrorist occupation country. Turkey condemned Israel’s abusive behavior with Palestinians. Even after bloody demonstrations in Gaza in May last year, he expelled the Israeli ambassador from Ankara. But regional analysts say that their relations are looking soft on the horizons. The newspaper attitude of Suntrust theory kernot says Sumdar Pari despite Erdogan’s toughest behavior, it is clear that it will be a time to come when they will gradually leave loose and allow the restoration of relations with Israel. Turkey and Israel have always been important for each other. Indeed the trade between the two countries has been on routine and their economic relations have not been affected among the recent months. Israeli products in Turkey have not been officially boycotted and no commercial deal has been canceled. Turkey’s President has always been a leader of the Israeli leader and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Turkey’s policy has been discussed with an over-aggressive move and Muharrem İnce’s main advocacy for Erdogan’s main opponent. Another party of the Kurdish party, the HDDP party, even so far said that all the economic ties with Israel should be broken. The idea is that the PHP also supports this stand. In contrast to his political opponent, Erdogan and his AK party has been relatively low anti-Israeli on the commercial frontier. The Israeli newspaper Hartz pointed out that before Turkey’s election after the launch of the diplomatic crisis in Turkey; AP rejected a resolution in parliament which was told to break all the old agreements with the Jewish state and to eliminate economic relations. Erdogan and AP have used flame-ups against Israel but Israel knows that they will not risk economic relations between the two countries. Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas has congratulated President Erdogan on his victory in the West Jordan and Turkey has expressed its desire for further achievements, development and stability.


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