Swiss company to build solar plane around the world in 2015

Swiss company's solar aircraft Solar Impulse 2

Swiss company’s solar aircraft Solar Impulse 2

Paris … News Time

A Swiss company, Solar batteries powered aircraft Solar Impulse 2 March 2015 the world will go on tour. Solar Impulse 1 while the company was equipped with modern facilities Solar Impulse 2 is in the final stages of preparation. The dimensions of the wings of the plane are 72 meters and weighing 2.3 tons. Height 21 feet off the ground. There are 17,200 solar batteries on the wings that will provide energy to operate the engines. The company says that the speed of the aircraft is 140 kilometers per hour. The company aircraft in March 2015 plans to travel the world, it will be single-seat aircraft. The company claims that the aircraft five months narrated by the ministry will be able to fulfill his round around the world.


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