Strive to ignore the company’s books were banned in Gaza

The company's books banned in Gaza

The company’s books banned in Gaza

Gaza — News Time

Hamas -backed government to work for the UN refugee agency, the global distribution of such books and studies have shown that the values ​​and culture of Palestine and Palestinians have been ignored in favor strive. Institute provided by Books struggle and strive only has advocated peaceful means. Gaza’s education ministry spokesman said the government believes that the public’s views on education in Gaza incompatible with the philosophy of life, from seventh to ninth grade books difficulties and frustrations of the Palestinians not to cover the struggle for independence against Israel recognize the right. Clear that Hamas armed struggle for independence is key, officials said, adding that the company has been offering courses that a joint committee be established., we should realize the global organization and it must realize our history and traditions. Institute spokesperson confirmed the ban on the books, said he does not plan to change their academic program, but further talks with Hamas. Organization working under the auspex’s school of which 245 under 2 lakh 32 thousand children education.


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