Repeat pleasant memories and get rid of depression

Repeat pleasant memories and get rid of depression

Repeat pleasant memories and get rid of depression

Massachusetts … News Time

According to experts, adding or rendering real or artificial pleasant memories in the mind of depression and depression can prevent him from being infected. According to a report published in the International Standards Journal Nature Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, have successfully tested depression and depression by adding synthetic good memories to the brain’s brain. If this experience is also successful on humans, then effective effective medicines can be developed with its help which will be able to end up with the root root like depression while affecting the whole brain. The main author of the research report Dr. Steve Ramrays says we have to artificially re-activate the patient’s specific memory for depression treatment. With the help of research done on animal research, experts will soon know it how to make happy memories in the human mind can be activated. On the other hand, experts also say that there will be no benefit from repeating pleasant memories in the mindset of a householder in depression and depression. Rather, the reason for depression will be to root out root.


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