Calendar story: When ten days disappeared from people’s lives

One is the Gregorian calendar, also called the AD calendar, and the other is the Hijri calendar, which is also called the Islamic calendar.

One is the Gregorian calendar, also called the AD calendar, and the other is the Hijri calendar, which is also called the Islamic calendar.

News Time

Take the old calendar off the wall and put the New Year’s calendar. It was good to download the calendar, but now I don’t even remember when the last time the calendar was hung. Incidentally, the new features of the mobile phone have eliminated the need for a calendar hanging on the wall like other things. As a result, the habit of flipping through the 4-page and 6-page calendars and the pleasure of waiting months for the turn of the favorite page came to an end. Let’s move on with this fact and talk about calendar history.

The English word calendar is the original Latin calendae, while the calendae itself is related to the call that was given on the first date of each month when the moon appeared. According to another view, the word calendar is derived from calendarium. In Latin, calendarium refers to the account register in which monthly transactions are recorded in ancient times man made calendars based on the rotation of the moon and the sun and the seasons. There are basically four types of calendars Lunar, solar, lunisolar and seasonal calendars.

Dozens of popular calendars in the world consist of these four types. In most of these calendars, the week is seven days, but there are some calendars in which the week is five, six, eight, nine, ten and thirteen days. Two calendars stand out in this crowd of calendars. One is the Gregorian calendar, also called the Christian calendar, and the other is the Hijri calendar, which is called the Islamic calendar. The first is solar and the second is lunar calendar. A few days from now, the new Gregorian (AD) year is about to dawn, so let’s talk about it and keep mentioning the Islamic calendar for the new AH year.

The Gregorian calendar is a modified version of the Julian calendar, while the Julian calendar is a modification of the ancient Roman calendar. The ancient Roman calendar, derived from the ancient Greek calendar, consisted of 10 months. There were 6 months of 30 days and 4 months of 31 days. This calendar begins in March with the arrival of spring and ends with December. Two consecutive months after December were not counted. Thus, the total number of days in this calendar was 306. The names of the first four months of this Roman calendar were attributed to the gods and goddesses, while the names of the remaining six months were numerical. The names of these months are as follows:

1. March 2 April 3 May 4 June 5 Quintiles 6. Sextiles 7. September 8 October 9. November 10. December. In 713 BC, the Roman emperor Numa Pompilius revised the calendar and introduced the two uncountable months after December, January and February. This brings the number of months in the calendar to 12 and the number of days to 355. However, the year started in March and as a result, February became the last month of the year.

In 45 BC, the Roman ruler Julius Caesar made important changes to the ancient Roman calendar. Thus the length of the year was increased to 365 days and 6 hours, while the beginning of the year was declared to be January instead of March, and the fifth month Quintilis was renamed Julius. Following these important modifications, the calendar was renamed the Julius Caesar, after the Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar, who came to power after Julius Caesar, changed the name of Sextilis to August in the sixth month, following in the footsteps of his predecessor.

As the year began in January and the two months changed, not only did the number of months with numerical names decrease from 6 to 4, but the meaning of these names was also affected. Thus the names of the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months became September, October, November and December respectively. The Julian calendar lasted for 1500 years, and even a few minutes difference in it made a difference of 10 days in a period of 15000 years. Pope Gregory set out to close the gap. Therefore, in 1572, 10 days were excluded from the month of October. As a result, after 5th October, the next day, 15th October, dawned. Thus, 10 days suddenly disappeared from people’s lives. This revised calendar was called the Gregorian calendar after Pope Gregory.

At the end of the calendar story, we will now take a brief look at the names of the current months.

January: This month is named after Janus, the Greek god of beginning and change. Janus has two faces, one on the front and the other on the back of the head, as if watching the coming and going year.

February: There are various theories regarding the name of this month, one of which is that the original Latin word for February is februm. According to tradition, in this last month of the year, before the onset of spring, there was a festival in which various rituals were performed to achieve purity and cleanliness.

March: About 2500 years ago, March was considered the first month of the year. The month is named after the Greek god of war, Martius. The other forms are Mars and March.

April: There are different opinions about the name of this month. However, according to one opinion, the original Latin word for this name is Aprilis, which means to open. Because the sky opens and the sun shines brightly after several consecutive months of cold in this month, this month has been called April.

May: The month is named after Maia, the goddess of the earth and the fertility of women. According to Greek mythology, she was the daughter of Atlas and the mother of Hermes.

June: This month is named after Juno, the wife of the Greek god Jupiter and the goddess of marriage. In ancient times, weddings were held in this month, so it was called June rather than June.

July: Earlier it was written that this was the fifth month of the ancient Roman calendar. Julius Caesar changed the name of the month to July.

August: Following Julius, the Roman ruler Augustus Caesar renamed the month Sextiles after himself, thus renaming it August.

September: September means the seventh month, but the seventh month came in ninth after the Julius Caesar revised the ancient Roman calendar.

October: It was the eighth month in the ancient Roman calendar, so it was called October, but like September, it became the tenth month due to reforms.

November: November means the ninth month, with the September and October issues also slipping from its place to the eleventh position.

December: December is equal to ten. It was the tenth and last month in the ancient Roman calendar. After Julius’s amendments, his number was last, but it came down from tenth to twelfth.


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