I try to live a balanced life, Katie

Hollywood actress Katie Holmes

Hollywood actress Katie Holmes

Los Angeles … News Time

Hollywood actress Katie Holmes says that I’m trying to live a balanced life. Contact Music com and t he com MZ said in the interview that I try to live a balanced life. Both in the professional and public life balance is maintained. I never did that just works and I do not mind. The director of the drama ” All the headphones’ stepped in. I have worked in this drama. I thought I have to take steps, not emotional. I have not worked in a career in the movies but I’m choosing the standard works. I want to restore my confidence. Two or three times a week I go to my coach. The source of her training in responsible doing. I know that my daughter is fond of showbiz but he is still very young. I figure I’m working very hard to re-hone. I would say it is not easy. However, past life I have no complaints. Whatever I have always thought. I do not think about the past and not want to live in the past and want to live in the present. I would love to Cincotta Peter’s Church. We spend enough time together. She takes care of me.


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