Women’s individual role in the current era

United Nations or any other forum, measures are made to take equal rights to women. File Photo

United Nations or any other forum, measures are made to take equal rights to women. File Photo

News Time

At present, every day something new is seen and heard. With discoveries and inventions  new philosophy of life, freedom of men and women, boundary boundaries and various demands of various social organizations.We hear that now women will work together with men, they will get rights equal to men. Gender discrimination will be eradicated from society. United Nations or any other forum, measures are made to take equal rights to women and the resolutions are presented, which are also approved by majority.

The result of these discussions and resolutions is that today’s woman is determined to prove that she can do everything that one man can do. I think this way the woman is losing her individuality. The woman was not created to do anything that could be done by a man, but the woman has been created to do everything that men can not do. The woman’s life generates life; the woman’s lap is the first teaching and its training is a good human being to our society. That woman causes science, politicians, writers and other men’s achievements. That woman also gives birth to a daughter and she also makes a successful man.

Although the world has changed a lot now, but in our society, men and women are often considered as pearls in our society. However, the man whose mother’s importance she honors every woman which is somehow involved in this life. In this view, a woman is also important that she keeps herself in her womb while being a mother, sacrifices her time, and ends many dreams and desires for her child. This power also has power in a woman to leave behind all the relationships and make new relationships and with the help of them, it also proposes a new generation. This is a great feature of it and on that basis; he is distinguished and versatile in his family. God has given a woman the ability to perform many tasks at a time. If you look at a cursor, you know that if the woman is cooking in a kitchen, you will also be homeworking a school sitting in her room on the table. And she will be helping them by removing a few moments of leisure opportunities in any way. At the same time, if the arrival of a guest or any important work is done, he also performs it. His patience, the strength of his endurance is several times more than men. This is the ability to make a difference between men and women.

If a person is living in the society where a man is living, he understands himself as an ill-health of children’s care and household affairs. But when we go out of the house and see a woman working, then she will be aware that she is also returning to the office, as well as doing a housewife’s duties. The woman has the ability to feel fatigue, smile and self-sufficient in front of the world, why she is physically mentally tired of fatigue and in any pain and pain. If men and women are compared to these features and attributes, the woman looks at a higher position and position. This way, it can be said that today’s woman is talking about not getting too low by asking for the desire and equality of the man’s side.  It is ignoring these abilities that are the power of power.


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