The Battle of Kohima: Halting Japanese advance into India

The attack on Kohima springed in the spring of 1944

The attack on Kohima springed in the spring of 1944

News Time

Kohima is the hill city of the northeast state of Nagaland and capital of the state, situated on a mountainous island. It stands on a remote hill of north-east India and 5,000 ft in the desert region. And today’s geography, this state is located in Nagaland. During the Second World War in the region, the world’s worst battle was fought on the front of Burma. This city was a war of war, which had mislead Japanese invasion on India and because of this, the war turned towards Middle East. Secondly, like wars that was fought in Southeast Asia, the Kohima war has been amazingly unknown and often unknown to people and nations. The reason for this was that the attention of the entire world in this era was towards Nazi Germany in Europe, and every nation and every country of the world were tested by it. Apart from this, Kohima did not pay attention to the war because of allies on Europe which also continued when the Second World War had made a decisive destruction throughout the world. At this time, two northeastern states of Manipur and Nagaland d, which were part of Assam, it was a very important front in the Second World War and was then called the Burmese front. Indian and British forces have been scolded against the Japanese soldiers in unusual, vampire and dense forests in this region. One of which is called Kohima War, in which the Japanese forces were defeated, it was a matter which disappointed Tokyo, and the fate of Tokyo’s principal order was also insignificant on them. And he could not achieve favorable achievements in South Asia.

Kohima lies on the mountainous river which is headed towards the north and south, is also a road on the mountainous river. This goes to Dimapur at the British Supply Base. It lies in the north of the Barham River valley in the north and it lies in the south of Imphal and the road mentioned above goes through it. This road from Imphal leads to south and then from inside Burma. Actually it was the way from which India wanted to attack India by surrounded by the Burmese Burma. He named the Operation U-Go, and was followed by this desire that way, passing through the mountains of Nagaland, reaches the fields of Dimapur. Once they set up their base camp there, they would disconnect the Allied Allied Supply route to China. After which it would be very easy for them to attack British India. If Operation U-Go succeeded successfully, then India would have been in front of Japanese and it was not difficult to capture it.

The invasion of Imphal and Kohima springed in the spring of 1944.The army division of the 15th Army of Japan, which was headed by the aggressive commander Commander General Renya Mutaguchi, He crossed the river Chandon and stepped towards Imphal. A third division led by Lieutenant General Sato, proceeded towards Kohima. The British knew that Japanese is going to Kohima but they could not get full information, neither could they figure out their numbers, nor could they assess the speed of the division. He believed that whatever the Japanese forces would do, they would not be able to pass through any undesirable forest. Those had covered the area near Kohima. So, when Lieutenant General Sato arrived in the plant region with its 15,000 strong and torn soldiers on April 4 so they only found 1,500 non-immigrant men to protect the hill city. So the Japanese immediately sacked Kohima and started to bribe the British and Indian soldiers from their positions. Those innocent people came out of the house and gathered in a small place that was similar to a tennis court. This place was located in the Deputy Commissioner’s Garden, which was separating the forces from each other.

This place was so close to the soldiers that they thrown into each other’s grenade directly in each other and did not make any difficulty. The shells and the second round of ammunition were being used in a large number of places, which caused fire to remain in prohibited places. This little resurrection was so fast and so intense that people could not find the opportunity to fill their water vessels and gallons. Another major problem was that medical campuses were also being fired and fired by Japanese campuses. And the injured unbelievers were so worried that they were getting injured more frequently due to the same pistol. Those sitting in medical campus that was waiting for treatment and treatment therapy were also unable to survive from this resurrection. When the British Sixth Brigade arrived in the original Garison to help the two destinations after all this disaster.So they had to retrieve themselves after seeing the condition of this Garison. A military officer present in this war said: “There were people present there all over and over, old and old, but old years old. They were badly injured, their clothes were completely bleeding, and their faces were extremely tired and profound. They had their weapons if there was a single thing. There was a boil of blood, sweat and death everywhere.

After the war fought for more than a month, the British soldiers pulled out a path to move to the top of the tennis court. And then dragging a tank, took it down to the bottom. After that he rained a fire in the Japanese bank for just 20 yards, after this war, when the battlefield was cleansed from the enemy, the tension court of the past had changed into a small rat’s bill after the past. The sides on whose sides were destruction of destruction and destruction and there were half the rest of humans in place of place. It was a horrible scene that was torn in half the earth! Two American historians Allan H. Meltzer and Williamson Murray wrote: No such kind of war was fought anywhere in the Second World War. As was fought on the eastern frontier. During this time, an illustration of the kind of illusion and religious wisdom could not be found. Japanese was so worried without oxygen or other essential supplies that even their own minds stopped working. And its end result was that coalition forces carried them out of Kohima easily. The war of the Imperial War lasted for more than 4 months, from March to July 1944, while the quota of Kohima lasted for 3 months – from April to June 1944.

Some 55,000 Japanese soldiers went to Imphal with their lives and killed 7,000 in Kohima most of who were killed due to starvation and hunger. Apart from this, diseases and tears also know this. The 12,500 soldiers of the British forces were injured in Imphal while 4,000 more soldiers were injured in the fighting of Kohima. Japaneses have suffered huge losses in the fields of Imphal and Kohima, which had a huge negative impact on the region in the coming times. One of its effects also happened that in the later years the Allies became very easily in establishing their domination in Burma. The defeat of Imphal and Kohima is considered the biggest defeat of Japanese history.

Robert Leman, author of Victory, wrote the Japanese last bid for: The Japanese war of Imphal understands the biggest defeat of its history, which came to India in 1944 when it was attacked. This also gave Indian soldiers a great idea of ​​their combat capability and expertise. This also led to Indian soldiers that they could try to defeat someone in any difficult situation with difficulty and defeat them. Today there is a war cemetery in Kohima, with more than 1,400 coalition soldier’s tomb and all these wars were deprived of their lives in Kohima. This combat cemetery is built on the slope of the Girisen hill where the Deputy Commissioner’s Tennis Court was located.


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