The experts say number of Corona victims in India could be up to half a billion

More than 17.6 million cases of the global epidemic Corona have been reported

More than 17.6 million cases of the global epidemic Corona have been reported

Delhi … News Time

Experts warn that the actual number of corona cases in India is being hidden, in fact the number of corona cases could be more than half a billion. More than 17.6 million cases of the global epidemic Corona, which began in India last year, have been reported, but health experts say the actual figure could be 30 times higher. Health workers and scientists in India have long argued that the exact number of COD-19 infections and deaths from them is not being deliberately reported, mainly due to poor infrastructure, human error, and there are low test levels. However, testing increased significantly after the first wave, but the second wave of Corona and the devastation caused by its spread are still more lethal than the official figures.

Ramanan Lakshmi Narain, director of the Center for Disease Dynamics Economics and Policy in New Delhi, says it is well known that both the number of cases and the death rate are being under-reported. “Last year we estimated that only one in about 30 infections had been detected, so the reported cases misjudged the actual infections, but this year the death toll was misinterpreted and we see,” he said. How many deaths are actually happening and how many deaths are being reported officially.

According to Corona’s prediction model developed by the Institute for Health Matrix and Evaluation at the University of Washington, the war is still going on, with the daily death toll from Corona in India rising to mid-May.  According to this forecast, the death rate in India could reach 13,000 people per day, which is four times more than the current death rate per day. Community medicine specialist Dr Hemant Shivadi says that even before the epidemic, the death rate in India has been shown to be many times lower than it actually. Under normal circumstances, the government system accounted for 86 percent of all deaths across the country, but only 22 percent of deaths were officially confirmed after a doctor’s confirmation. Most people in India die at home or elsewhere, rather than in a hospital, so doctors are usually not available to explain the cause of death.


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