Ousted President Dr. Morsi spends sixth consecutive Ramadan in prison

 Ousted President Dr. Morsi

Ousted President Dr. Morsi

Cairo … News Time

The first elected democratically elected president, Dr. Mohammad Morsi, exposed in the hands of the Egyptian army in 2013, has been sixth in Ramadan. His family says that after being deprived of Mohammad Morsi, he was imprisoned, No family member could meet her. The depressed president’s health is very bad. An eye deficiency has also been lost due to diabetes growth. Preparing them to be killed in jail by keeping them deliberately deprived of treatment and treatment. The British Parliament also expressed concern about this.

According to Kuwait’s famous journal Al-Majtama, a statement issued by the deposed President Mohammad Morsi’s family has appeared in local newspapers, it is said that the family of Dr. Morsi Morsi is waiting for the government to meet him, but during the last six years he was never met with his Morsi. This long-term Marsee lawyer was allowed to meet her only twice. President Mahmoud Morsi was detained by the Egyptian army in July 2013 after he was dismissed. After this, his party was brutally cracked against Muslim Brotherhood, which resulted in thousands of workers and leaders of the party martyr and bound slavery. Criminal cases were run against them. There are also many cases against Mohammad Morsi, and in some cases they have been terminated for long imprisonment. His family says that after November 2013 he could not see Mohammad Morsi. Neither the jail has been allowed to meet them. No information about whether they are given food, water or not and how are their health? According to news reports, despite being very worried he is being deprived of treatment and treatment.

On the other hand, human rights organizations say the deprived former Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi does not have access to basic human rights in the Egyptian rectangle, due to which their lives are threatened. The British Parliament’s Free Parliamentary Committee has warned that 66-year-old former President Mohammed Morsi does not even have basic human rights in the jail, due to which many physical disorders are affected and at any time their unnecessary death may occur. The report published in the British journal Auditant said that the honorable Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi is a suspect of dangerous medical problems. They are in Diabetes, liver, lungs and other physical disorders. Mohammad Morsi did not provide any medical facility to the jail, due to which the illnesses may prove to be known for them.

The British Parliamentary Committee says that Mohammed Morsi is kept in isolation for 23 hours everyday and is kept with just one hour other prisoners everyday. The statement further states that the situation, in which Mohammed Morsi is kept, is compelled to hurt international law. Chris Bennett, chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee, says that our trial regarding Mohammad Morsi is very worried. If he was not provided immediate medical assistance, he could result in death of Muhammad Morsi. The report of the head of Chris Bennett’s panel of panels has also been said in the report that former president has gold on the slope of the semant. During the past three years only once his son was met Osama Morsi. But now for two years Osama Morsi also lives in prison for isolation. A report relates to a former prisoner’s jail in the report that in which part of the Cairo prison, Dr. Mohammad Morsi is imprisoned, this is made in such a way that the prisoner should not survive. British MPs say that with other members of Muslim Brothers, leaders of the Muslim Brothers may also be imprisoned in the same prison. The three-member committee of the British Parliament says they have requested the Egyptian government to grant them access to Morsi. But it was not answered.


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