Just 30 minutes of nature a week could reduce your risk of heart disease

Just 30 minutes of nature a week could reduce your risk of heart disease

Just 30 minutes of nature a week could reduce your risk of heart disease

Queensland … News Time

Australian experts say that if only 30 minutes a week’s time be spent on a scenic location this not only reduces tension but also eliminates the risk of heart disease. Research shows that it is going to the park or scenic location, the park is an hour spent hiking and prevent the high blood pressure and helps reduce depression and that it is necessary to have a green location. The Queensland University of environmentalists spent only half an hour to park a week if the 7% incidence of depression and high blood pressure may be decreased 9%.During the scenic spot of experts in research, spent time there. And to review the amount of the received data about the vegetation of the place. It was medium and severe degree of depression and blood pressure notes. It also asked about walking and other physical activity by people picturesque location. The research found that if 90-minute walks on the greens place a week this is a positive change occurs in the brain circuit that negative thoughts and tension.


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