Iranian economy suffers situation, Tehran’s market sultani exposed to the situation

Tehran's market sultani exposed to the situation

Tehran’s market sultani exposed to the situation

Tehran … News time

The reintegration of US sanctions on Iran, significant reduction in unemployment and unemployment during the recent months in the value of currency exchange, اfter the recent country protests against extremism and low standard life, Tehran’s historical market has also become a victim of sultani. Iranian traders who traded in the market sultani attribute their country’s internal politics to direct economic problems. They are cursing the government. They do not have the risk of customers ever. Since the century’s centuries, the economic and political life of Iran has been booming bothbut now Iranian citizens are turning western-style megawatts located in the north of Tehran. In this market traders and traders who opposed the government opposed the government of Shah Raza Raza’s initiativeand played a significant role in defusing his government in 1979. His place was then taken by the Shia religious authorities and elected officials.

In June, thousands of demonstrators in the market sultani increased the prices of inflation and what was the protest against the fall in dollar value compared to the dollar? The protesters turned their slogans towards the Iranian leadership too and he had a sharp slogan against Iran’s leadership led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. At this time the value of Iranian currency has fallen further. One dollar has been $ 1.5 million. Many experts believe that Iran’s oil industry will further reduce the value of Iran’s revenues if more sanctions on Iran’s oil restrictions are imposed. The Trump Administration refuses to eradicate the Iranian government through economic pressure. However Iranian officials say that mutual relations are quite clear.

In view of the peculiarity of Iranian economy, many citizens have turned market sultani in recent days. And they want to buy more than their deposit costs before the coming difficult situations, because the value of the revenues will further increase the cost of goods. And it will be difficult for them to buy. In this situation, some shopkeepers doing business in the market sultani are selling their own everything and turning towards European countries. A shopkeeper said that prices in this country have not been stagnant. When a slave sleeps at night, a car costs 10 million rupees, when the car is awakened in the morning, the value of the car is worth 14 crores. Farhadi said he soon wanted to move his business and go to the Netherlands by abandoning. He has regarded the relations with the rest of the world as responsible for the country’s rising economy and he said that those who are like them, they want to migrate and go to the European countries so that they can live better. Ali Raza Ali Hussein, a salesman at Farhad’s shop, told reporters at the US news agency Associated (AP) our 90% problems are the result of mutual conflicts between Arbab powers. Differences between the Supreme Leader and the Government are found, and this is 10 to 15 percent of the differences due to the US.

Another Iranian Mohammad Zada ​​has declared foreign foreign intervention in the ongoing civil war in Iran’s Syria as the cause of problems facing the country. And said the amount that is being sent to Syria, They are the people.He said that when we established peace with US President Barack Obama we were never so cheap. His sign was in July 2015 for Iran and 6 major powers resolved toward nuclear deal. President Donald Trump announced that he had agreed with the agreement in May and had imposed economic sanctions against Iran.


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