Coffee protects from skin cancer

Coffee protects from skin cancer

Coffee protects from skin cancer

New York … News Time

If you like quite good news for you is it said in a research that drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day, which is less likely to be skin cancer (melanoma) in. Skin cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world and move away from the death of 10 thousand people every year. 75 thousand people are victims every year. Investigators say they have discovered a compound in coffee that saves a person from skin cancer. R 4 and a half million people were aged between 50 and 71 years, the data was collected. Earlier research had cancer one of them and tracked them for a decade. It came at the end of the study that was fewer than 3 thousand pose characinoid disease while 2 thousand people was a kind of skin cancer. The scientists looked at cancers in men and their eating routines. The surprise was not that great majority of people living with cancer used to safe drinking more than 4 cups of coffee daily. In the past, such investigations are which could have been from a cancer.


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