Changing conditions in the world

Now the world is changing

Now the world is changing

News Time

Is the World’s Biggest Military Alliance Splitting NATO? This military agreement was signed years ago but is now suffering from internal crisis seven decades later, US and European countries are seeing a decline in mutual trust; many countries involved in the deal are refusing to accept US terms. This agreement was contrary to the alliance set up under the supervision or patronage of Russia but in view of the changing circumstances in the world, NATO is nearing its natural age, this situation is not such that it can be ignored without analysis, we should discuss this situation in Parliament. In the beginning, the number of NATO member states was 12, but it continued to increase, but now it is inclined to fall after the rise.

NATO’s annual defense spending has reached about $ 10 trillion ($ 1Trillion). The Warsaw Pact Treaty was brought against NATO it was a period of cold war, Russia-US relations were strained. In the meantime, local wars have taken place in several countries with severe bloodshed and civil war, Korea and Vietnam are examples. After that Russian forces entered Afghanistan and a new front opened, Pakistan decided to stop Russia from crossing the Amu Darya, due to Pakistan’s decision, it could not advance Afghanistan’s coasts and deserts. Under which he had to leave Afghanistan, which ruined Russia’s credibility and many Islamic states emerged from it. And Russia, limited to Moscow, was replaced by 15 states, of which a clear majority of Muslims were found in six new states.

Today’s facts are that Russia has lost its military, Russia is weakening and the United States has emerged as the only superpower in the world. And he first invaded Iraq and the West entered his army in Bosnia; this is where a new conflict between the United States and the Muslim world began. And this situation reached its peak on September 11, 2001, which further increased the ambiguity US President George Bush Jr. assembled the entire world in support of the crusade and established a broad-based international coalition that included 77 countries. Those who invaded Afghanistan, after Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Somalia were also affected, in response to which Arab Spring gave birth but did not get the desired results. And Muslim countries became destabilized, leaving Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria politically destabilized. The next attack was made on Turkey when the Erdogan government was overthrown. In this background, we now need to examine the future and analyze the past. 9 years have passed since 9/11 now after the breakup, US President Donald Trump has decided to call back US forces operating on various fronts around the world.

The NATO meeting in London took place in December 2019, in which the alliance appeared to be in chaos. The US wants all NATO member countries to allocate 2 percent of its annual gross domestic product (GDP) for NATO defense purposes. But these countries are not happy if this money is not received then the US has threatened it will decide whether to stay in the alliance or not. It may also be that the United States has some bases for making money from this country, similarly, the countries involved in the alliance are objecting to Turkey in France. Germany is also its supporter and Turkey’s military strength is also increasing the US has created the environment, so there is a conflict between NATO Islamic countries and Islamist organizations. And above all, China is also seen as a major economic force on competition. This is the point where the nuclear country Pakistan has to determine its direction, that direction can only be determined through parliament. Are our parliamentary political parties ready to bring this global changing picture and situation into the parliament?


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