65.6 million People were forcibly displaced worldwide in 2016, Homeless in Pakistan’s second country to provide shelter

  65.6 million People were forcibly displaced worldwide in 2016

65.6 million People were forcibly displaced worldwide in 2016

Geneva … News Time

A UN report released in a statement said that there is Pakistan’s second number in the sheltering countries to refugees and displaced people, while 1.4 million people have sheltered the UN Commission for Refugees. The annual report released in this report states that 65.6 million people around the world are either sheltered in a non-country, seek shelter or leaving their original residential space due to bad circumstances in their own country they are forced to stay somewhere else. The report also states that between 2014 and 2015, the global number of refugees and displaced people grew to be around 5 million, and during 2015 to 2016, this increase was 3 lakh. But Filippo Grandi, head of the UN Commission on Refugees, says that this situation should not be considered as happy, because conditions will be considered as precisely when accuracy and displacement will decrease. . On the same basis, he has also described such a huge failure of global embassy as such a large number of globally displaced people. According to the figures released by this institution, more than 65.6 million people are displaced in the whole world, out of which 22.5 million people have been sheltered in another country. There are more than 4 million people who are homeless in their homeland and are forced to leave their original residential area somewhere else. In addition to all, 2.8 million people are searching for shelter in other countries, namely, they have not accepted any country as a refugee. Most refugees are from Syria and their number is 55 million. With 2.5 million and 1.4 million refugees, Afghanistan and South Sudan are ranked second and third respectively. Turkey is the first to shelter refugees and displaced people, where at the time of the population of 2.9 million people have been sheltered. 1.4 million People are sheltered by Pakistan, while Lebanon is one million refugees. It is clear that all the figures related to Pakistan have been combined with government agencies and only belong to those who have been registered as refugees regularly, as per the free and non-official estimates, the only Afghan living in Pakistan the number of refugees is more than 3 million, while most of them are living illegally in Pakistan.


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