Iranian currency deficit, Iraqi investors lose billions of money, Iran’s protestsof bad Economic Conditions

The US dollar has reached 115400 Iranian rials

The US dollar has reached 115400 Iranian rials

Tehran … News time

US Dollar for Iran’s Official Currency ‘Toman’ and as a result of unusual reduction compared to other world currencies. Iraqi investors have drowned millions of deposits in Iranian banks. According to Al-Arabiyah, a Iraq-based investor Haider al-Husseinawi told that he had collected $ 1 million in a bank of Iran. The result of Iranian currency deficit has been deposited. It says that on the amount of money collected in the Iranian bank, it has been getting profits up to $ 2500 per month. The Iranian bankers have increased 25% increase in the rate of Iranian investors so that they should make the maximum amount of money in Iranian banks. Haider al-Husseinawi said Iranian banks only receive money in the dollar while the profit has been paid in Iranian currency. It is believed that the recent Iranian currency ‘Tumman’ came at the lowest level of 1200 compared to the US dollar. Iran’s economic crisis faces severe crisis due to the US economic sanctions on Iran.

On the other hand, protesters in Iran have taken shape of anti-government protests. According to the International News Agency, protesters started in the early months of this month in Tehran have now turned into anti-government protests. The dollar’s rising rising value has made the economy worse. Thousands of civilians are protesting on every major road in the capital and anti-government slogans are protesting. Last Tuesday, all the main markets were closed and usual life was suspended while police and army personnel were deployed in order to prevent protesters. Security forces used power to dissolve the protesters and tear gas shelling and air fired.

On the other hand, the Iranian government has decided to release 76-year-old Mir Hussain Mousavi Khamna and 80-year-old Mehdi Kirobi-based reformist opposition leaders in the homes. The Ayatollah Khamenei will make the final decision within 10 days. It is believed that both leaders will be released to stop protesters. Clearly on July 11, a Iranian province’s farmers had protest protest against government policy on their tractor highway. On which Iranian forces used patrol guns on farmers, after which the protests of the farmers spread throughout the country. On the other hand, traders and ordinary citizens have also joined the protest after the arrival of US $ 115400 Iranian rial.


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